Thursday, March 31, 2022

"Ex-dog" toy. Tie two baskets together over the handles with a line of ribbon to hold and swing the pair way up a tree. It could be filled with birds---

Jesus says, "If you shotty birdseeds with my niggers, then I will turn half of your sweet juices into wine in a bag with only one blessed bread crumb!"

Pilgrims shoot reckless gun because they're little and they need help to eat. Dog food bugs them, nuts cost lots! They're pilgrims for birdseed like pills!

Mud World.

"Keep your head up."

It's coming.

"Throughout the fields of gold."

I once invested half of the Forbes Five "Million's" money to donate dirt to a brand new species of human trees. No joke. New dinosaurs did better.

Did you prune trees? Well, "You can buy dirt."

Just don't end in, "uvwxyz."

A bar code of 7 sets of 6 thin lines could be boldened to make double new UPCs of braille associated letters. Start with 2 bold, "cdfgmnpq"

Russia almost touches the Uniteds on the east and west coast around the world, but the Ukraine couldn't do that from inside the borders of the Uniteds

Wednesday, March 30, 2022

FEELS GOOD! Our property manager became a nurse and his position is opening. I graduated Magna in Business, but I'm so much better off.

On a very bland diet without variety like a serf, it is important to integrate pb & j, chocolate, ham, eggs, cheese, tomatoes, nachos and salsa into it.

"If it wasn't for the skin, bananas would be cheaper than potatoes... and babies would be uglier." - Shawn DeCoste

Almost several pounds of a meal with rice added. I guess it's because of the time period when it was popular, but lesbians who get good become serfs!

Soak beans over night. Simmer and WATER THEM for three hours. These and the corn bread expands like rice. Beans mash brown. Feed 3. $60/mo.

Poor lesbians who aren't playing, eat "quantity balanced" bean soup and corn bread from scratch with soy flower added. Labor, time and bulk!

Leslie Lizzy went broke, starved for a while and started a wig painting riot last night. I wrote a rap song. Not about PB, Beneful, Beans, or Chef Boy

Mostly 'Power Rankings' gain standings by beating or tying teams while they are hot or on winning streaks. Otherwise we will be equal.

For Irish government supporters, instant potato flakes are food pantry survival. Same cup of hot water, then flakes. DONE! Milk, butter.

Friday, March 25, 2022

The Celtics don't have as many games as the other guys left. I thought it would be more automatic for the Celtics. That's All Folks! Eight left.

Only two percent of the world are lesbians or women who would do the same right now.

Pop producers (Dt. Hunter) and (Ms. Groundhog Day) go to the home of outspokens, old lady & mink winged angel Travolta on a feminite mission.

The previous four were movies I found in the house. They're not from dollar tree.

In parallel universes the same person dies in equality. Jet Li obtains a super share of power by evading multiverse law enforcement & killing "himselves."

Scrooged? Belushi lives as a guy who struck out in the L.L.W.S. Now lives a prick with a homer. Rejects newbies to impose on his substituted wife. :-)

I will get Bella a Samurai sword like a banana with "pen" handle and a blade snug in a natural bottle neck locked sleeve of bronzed thorn bush. :-)

More like, "'Not' Jet Li Hero," is wicked goofy signature Quentin Tarantino Kung Fu effects in Chinese with sub titles. Styled Quentin settings!

She centered a generation shift. Her family and circle is as powerful as my family and they monopolized modern acting. Chameleon Power of Media!

I want to call it, "Tribed Hair!"

Avril LaVigne's new hairstyle is not searchable on Google right now, but it's all over Facebook. That looks a little like her Mom! Kristen S. is alive!

Other People's DVD. People keep saying Shawn! A huge Tyrannosaurus can't run a mile after Brendan Fraser in real life. I remember sitting prints.

Thursday, March 24, 2022

If you have deep patches of sand ants in your lawn that happen when the whole sun path hits without shade. Top soil is pricy. BURY DEER CORN!

Only the first bag of Deer Corn will trick small animals. I boiled some for an hour and I couldn't believe it didn't soften. I found dead birds.

I do not support being a sick fuck but I will throw them a bone once. A Walmart 70 lb. bag of Deer Corn is for only livestock or killing small animals.

Yes. It was not improbable. He's a Celtics. These past three years they have been extraordinary although stricken. Celtics almost for 3 years!

The color in real life has like a backlit neon orange sherbert constricted inner aura glow and the weight gives you a subtle puckered hug of a tug.

I just watched Dustin open this from Luxx and I put it on his neck at the kitchen counter. If you must know, that could sell for double.

Dustin got a brand new twine braided pale ale neon pastel eggshell orange sherbert fourt' gold chain from Luxx. It's as gorgeous as fucking possible!

Nokes is a wooden lawn moose. Into the front door I asked the guy on the couch, "Where's Nokes?" He said, "Not in here." Nokes was behind the couch!

Did you see how much hair Drew Barrymore had on Jimmy Fallon? It was an Albatross of hair. Once, Avril LaVigne's mom had a third of that.

Wednesday, March 23, 2022

Shit they just started speaking English near the end of the movie in this dollar twenty five movie from Dollar Tree! That got pretty good.

The 76ers are starting a game against the Lakers right now!

Jackie Chan!

The movie is in Chinese almost the whole time. The Chinese hit women and fight about it like they want to be a little Jackie Chan. I'm using it.

Leaping runs on buildings are Parkour stunts. David Belle stunts are like Jackie Chan. He assists upgrades at Brick Mansions as a skate park joust!

Hostage girl and dad are paranoid to nightmares and ghosts, barricaded in empty nest from dead Mom! Girl got dimentia about ice cream outside.

Varsity Blues, Buffy t' Vampire Slayer, American Warewolf, and Incredible Hulk. Varsity quarterback date rapes and eats girlfriend, then "Mom! Dad!"

A release on parole gets a rental car. The rest of his life is controlled inside by phone calls, a gun. A stow hostage hijacks him. On their mission she dies

A soothing Paddington or Curious George biography narration dressed like James Bond with no action/plot. Patch Adams of just European sticks!

The Best of Me from Dollar Tree. Like Armageddon. Phenomenon. Back To the Future. Dawson's Creek. Varsity Blues. Forrest Gump. Foot Loose.

A dim ghostly flood of white light on a breezy fall day for a long ride of soft talking social service investigators. A long lull to relax. Horror for the faint.

Focusing. Stabbing and flowing. So much fucking nigger playing in blood. She's quantum leaping by suicide by cops blazing ambush to nasty albino.

Car and gym hardbody fucks Scarlett Johansson and every rated ten at the club on guys night. He prefers porn. "You're a retarded person driving a *!"

Dollar Tree Movies :-)

At college party! [Taxi to passenger drinking a Pabst beer] "OK can we cool it with the sister fucking [each other?]" Drawn fuck on all ass cheeks!

Like the Nanny Fran Thrasher Sexy Holocaust of jazzy swing dance Jews SO hard W. Allen mobster narration of Stand By Me kids at mischief & family

They're all Dollar Tree movies!

BROIL -NR. Wealthy private school dressed Dark Forrest Spy Family plays themselves creepy crawlies to kill at lazer raves and Hilton art sets!

Like Office Space. "K. Kostner & Stew from Scream" talk soft affirmations. Victims of Drag Queens dreams are cock blocked by RPG w/ blowup doll.