Monday, May 31, 2021

Black and Green Camou Houses

Yard Parking and House Grants. It's a little bit of digging from a mountain or hill to extend a plateau. A twelve foot drop is dangerous. The front entry landing needs to extend further. It should be extend filled a foot further and dug into the hill forward a foot further or just less of a slope might do the trick. Maybe the crevace above the top of the house also should be filled in half way. It's a clever take and give from source to site. It's a double split difference to take from roof level to two feet uphill. That's shorter than a two feet higher elevation. Just the two feet along the incline. Then, from above, the hill will step down two feet for two feet of plateau that continues as the roof plateau after a two by two foot trough. Maybe wall panel would be better for the roof and for the hatch door. I want to put a couple layers of soil on the roof. I want to fade a tiny container of black paint onto the partially visible outside walls. The twenty inch two by four beams should be used for a ten inch toilet seat gap on the side wall ten inches forward from the back wall, then a rope line strung couch further toward the front on this same wall and two more fold up to the wall brackets to rest a desk surface on the back wall. Each of the beams should be on a hinge so they fold up to the wall. They are twenty inches up from the 28 tile floor to the narrower length of beam on the top surface. The cinder block wall can lay down and be zig zagged to a stable over four foot width of diagonal blocks. Respect girls or I will hand soap bar twirl yours for two seconds that will get you ten hours!

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