Tuesday, June 29, 2021

Monday, June 28, 2021

Equate (14) (21) 1

It's so good! "Stay on step one... You'll quit like when you go somewhere." - Geniuses at Walmart

Hi fucking Conway, I'm Shawn DeCoste, I'm a rapper called Sheltered Porch Monkey. I'm a rapper for a record label called Broken Records. These are the lyrics to a new song I finished about being Kamakazee Tugboat bombarded at the center of Conway the first Saturday of this month to end the prime time hour at nine o'clock P.M. Do you remember me Conway?

One More Thing To Say
By Sheltered Porch Monkey

Lauren why are you claiming to be Lorraine. The photo of your tugboat kamakazee hit jobber tested positive for cocaine... Looks like you took a right to left opposite the Koresh or Kruger children you swang. You got further on the island divider for the head injury with which you complain. Fleeing to Canada, getting married and worshipping the devil is insane. But your family died last month and you don't have any suspected minor pain as the officer in the accident report explained. Lauren Hebler? Your family is dead! So is your brain!... We can't all be the Terminator. The witnesses like Jen's Stafford with Scott's incohesive Severence, sited plural form arrows as if blinking like they overdosed on Rogaine! Sounds like chloroform and surgery in underwear! They need to know that an arrow is more like cuniform than Cupid's asshole and the corn pole of Conway! Go have your dead family a very independent holiday!... White Mountains of collateral, co-op Lateral Boulevard and Highway; I dare you to explain to attournies why you were following me my way! You're an excuse for tooling tires to ignite and alarm the skyway. It sounds a shame that yesterday your brother Brian died gay! One more thing to say; FUCK THE POLICE!

Sunday, June 27, 2021

The Science of Tools for Women On Men. You dig?

They're like crop tools for real. These use some things like cognitive lateral surface tension, leverage, handle and momentum to help girly pixies avoid being brutally raped and sodomized ass to mouth all day!

Friday, June 25, 2021

Tuesday, June 22, 2021

Smoothie Wifi Business Sign. Forty for forty!

Forty plus means if you drive out of the Smoothie Stand with Wifi, then I guess we'll see how it goes!

Monday, June 21, 2021

The Police Caused Peoples' Teeth Problems and Mom Got Murdered Is Inspiration! This is the Stairs, the stage, and the Town BILLY BUILT!

People called Debbie The Cunt of All Cunts of All Times. But Denise should be known about suppression! This universe is all completely gone in 88 years and the pose are all survivalist about that. "Or die means or die," ALL TIMES! You wouldn't walk your fuckin' tiny head down those little stairs you built would you "CC/DC Head" or "Dustin Faced Step Head?" This is ALL THE STATE BILLY DeCOSTE BUILT! These average half the price of what you did about it, Oil Leak! I got this last BGRE out of the Free Vendor Box at the Real Estate Office with the bulletin board with the girl on the Kayak FOR REAL!

Then and now. My construction company does every rock in Conway unless it's the sister of Pheonix Lil'Mini.

Sunday, June 20, 2021

Phoenix, Lil'Mini, She's awesome! Also her name is Sarah Pheonix.

Now Pheonix "Lil'Mini" is something super! She's great looking!

Question: Hypothetical maybe.

Hypothetically I think a good question for this Father's Day the 20th. Did you ever get tricked by a passing parked SUV and forget about falling asleep with a bunch of massage therapists or something like that anyway?
A DUCK COMPANY shirt from Noco Loco!
Mary and Dustin!

Saturday, June 19, 2021

She cums, "Guys who build houses are retarded!"

The kitchen table, the front door, the stairs, the number of bedrooms, bathrooms and doors are too small just because some shit was built wrong. I thought I have showed that these things didn't have to be like that!

Big Contrib. from the Shawnster Shawneyboy.

Better than Ezra was better than family for ya. We quit the cuh to step up. Let ya be ug. Let thugs knock plugs and drugs into ya. Put a couple pugs filled flesh of drugs on page one. Drugs and guns nobody runs from, but fireworks? None! Cars be bombed. It will come. Mosquitos, flags, fags, hags, drag... One more thing. HEY FUCK YOU!! "Solaris" was the proper name of this sun and this galaxy over a hundred years ago, Polarks! If you want to blow up New Hampshire just dial it's phone number! Or blow a volcanoe or equally cold! The broomstick is leaning over the top of the window in your new little ho ho and each ho in your loco local color photo has her teeth knocked into one toe. I didn't say joke or blow smoke about a hoax haus that looks bigger than panty hose. There's always more money in living with, than sales dough. Your back row is a bunch of wrongs though. Two more things, Go To Hell is what's meant to you by Go Home!
I DID just get wicked fuckin' mad!

Happy Guy Who Had Sex With Mom Day!

 I think, we the family, only fuck on Valentines Day. Because all of us had our birthdays on a different day because all of about maybe less than a quantity of a thousand of us were really, physically and biologically born on Thanksgiving Day. They let me keep the day because I was kidnapped by some "Drinkies!" But to my real family, you know, physically, biologically, and really and even the whole family, Happy Father's Day! I'm getting the immediate family of like thirty of us a "RYOBI DOOR MAN" like the one on my room in our Victorian Type Mansion group home. It's the greatest thing in the world if your bathroom door is an outie swinger baby yeauh! HAPPY FATHER'S DAY JACK!

He put his hands on my neck a thousand times and... uh... well... YES! ALRIGHT! I KILLED HIM OR HER!

I thought he was cool when he was moving up my pants and up my shirt. But when he put his hands on my neck so many times this first time... I mean it was an instinctive reaction. I crushed him dead with my pinky! I am so sorry!


Hoes were protected by An Official Verbal Contract "Mock Law" for eighty years until last month when a stipulation was violated and it Voided. But there are nuclear bombs up in these mountains.

These mountain caps are on both sides of the children playing in this little Kearsarge Road Recreation area a frog's leap onto Rt. 16 right directly over the smallest around, White Mountains Community College in [invisible hours road glide cruise] "Sorth Ewst" Conway, NH. Traffic is headed up to this part of the world from the whole "•√ She Walks... •√"
But the college other than this academic center in N. Conway is in Berlin (White Mountains) New Hampshire one hour up that Rt. 16 right there. It is ranked a top greatest cruise in the world including ships and road trips. The bonus is the beginning and end are at Walmarts so CRUISE! It's all sleek little certificates and associates degrees which is genius. College otherwise, SHE'S FUCKING CRAZY! Offerings include:
Massage therapy
Medical assistant
Vetrenary assistant
Autism (Hopefully Separation Disorder)
Environmental Studies
Water Purification Technology
Business Administration Associates Degree
Resort and Recreation Management
Teach Education

Friday, June 18, 2021

Brady's brainwash is losing power. The same play all day is dominant!

It's wild. One play readministrates to become a little over a dozen plays that we've seen a million times. There's a presnap instant motion tipoff that is read by both ends and passed instantly. There's a time dragged endurance. There's backward running and blocking and defensive reverse advance. There's blind eyed feeling defense on offense. There's blind location supposition passing. There's faith based motion scouted spiked diving digger catch passes. There's interception proofing. There's inventive powerful offensive line mechanics, careful procedure, locking vice holds and blocking, sacrifices, calculated injuries, optical illusions and cosmetic enhancements!

Origami makes yesterday's paper into ALL HOTEL AND MOTEL HIRING. 6/17/21

Hotels hiring book keepers, house keepers, dish washers, cooks, servers, bussers, security, bar tenders and laundry attendants is most of this whole news paper this Wednesday before Father's Day 2021! It's the best advertising revenue in here for real!

Thursday, June 17, 2021

I'll send a million for the babe.

I have much free time! I will send a million 4 the baby at the video start.