Monday, June 28, 2021

Hi fucking Conway, I'm Shawn DeCoste, I'm a rapper called Sheltered Porch Monkey. I'm a rapper for a record label called Broken Records. These are the lyrics to a new song I finished about being Kamakazee Tugboat bombarded at the center of Conway the first Saturday of this month to end the prime time hour at nine o'clock P.M. Do you remember me Conway?

One More Thing To Say
By Sheltered Porch Monkey

Lauren why are you claiming to be Lorraine. The photo of your tugboat kamakazee hit jobber tested positive for cocaine... Looks like you took a right to left opposite the Koresh or Kruger children you swang. You got further on the island divider for the head injury with which you complain. Fleeing to Canada, getting married and worshipping the devil is insane. But your family died last month and you don't have any suspected minor pain as the officer in the accident report explained. Lauren Hebler? Your family is dead! So is your brain!... We can't all be the Terminator. The witnesses like Jen's Stafford with Scott's incohesive Severence, sited plural form arrows as if blinking like they overdosed on Rogaine! Sounds like chloroform and surgery in underwear! They need to know that an arrow is more like cuniform than Cupid's asshole and the corn pole of Conway! Go have your dead family a very independent holiday!... White Mountains of collateral, co-op Lateral Boulevard and Highway; I dare you to explain to attournies why you were following me my way! You're an excuse for tooling tires to ignite and alarm the skyway. It sounds a shame that yesterday your brother Brian died gay! One more thing to say; FUCK THE POLICE!

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