Thursday, October 28, 2021

[First blockckbuster movie in history,] "How To Steal A Million." Now it can be ordered on Spectrum.

Hundreds of years ago, people were really interested in the Catalog of Catalogs more than becoming a millionaire. If you asked and shared your idea about how you want to become a millionaire, then they would put you right to work becoming a millionaire and you would. There were ample supplies of resources and territory to acquire and liability to invent. "How To Steal A Million," in more modern times is believed to be what back then would have been the original blockbuster movie! (This photo is a scene at a function hall in Government Center, Boston. To gain entrance to that vacant city grid they have to cut off the left lane and drive over a cone into an alternative side tunnel at the entrance of the tunnel to leave Boston on the highway northbound.)

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