Monday, October 25, 2021

The ad was for thousands of VHS movies for free from an eighties video store. IT WORKED!

I got all those movies that functioned alright. Would you have a hard time giving those away? Maybe those that were left weren't that good but there's always one chance a movie or bundle of movies has to get viewed. I know people want to consume the cream of the crop like fast food. So I created a tiny honest selling pitch to make sure people picked a movie they wanted more than the others. On the video package, I posted a reduced sized post it note with good sized text. The cream was anything extremely original in a movie or a powerful effect it has on me that I could describe in only several words so viewers would feel satisfied. Viewers would know that I avoided lying to them. I prioritized the ones that needed the most help. I watched only until I had a hook or I decided it was only worth being a prop cassette for artwork. I selectively labled a synopsis on about a hundred of them and duplicates and summonsed the best hundreds to prominence and had another basket of craft materials. I created some alternate titles and video designs ordered, neatened, organized and fixed them. THOSE MOTHER FUCKERS WENT TO BATTLE FOR ALL OF THEM! A THOUSAND OF THEM!

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